[2024/12] Our paper Online Guidance Graph Optimization for Lifelong Multi-Agent Path Finding was accepted to AAAI 2025!
[2024/08] Physically attended IJCAI 2024 in Jeju Island, South Korea!
[2024/06] Physically attended SoCS 2024 in Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada!
[2024/05] Started working as an Applied Scientist Intern in Amazon Robotics in Boston, MA, USA!
[2024/04] Two papers (GGO and MAPF Mechanism) were accepted to IJCAI 2024!
[2024/03] One MAPF position paper and three extended abstracts were accepted to SoCS 2024!
[2023/12] Physically attended NeurIPS 2023 in New Orleans, LA, USA!
[2023/10] Honored to receive the Quality of Life Tech Center Student Research Fund!
[2023/10] Our paper Arbitrarily Scalable Environment Generators via Neural Cellular Automata was accepted to NeurIPS 2023!
[2023/08] Physically attended IJCAI 2023 in Macao, S.A.R., China!
[2023/04] Our paper pyribs: A Bare-Bones Python Library for Quality Diversity Optimization was accepted to GECCO 2023!
[2023/04] Our paper Multi-Robot Coordination and Layout Design for Automated Warehousing was accepted to IJCAI 2023!
[2022/10] Joined ARCS Lab at CMU Robotics Institute as a PhD student!
[2022/10] Our paper Efficient Multi-Task Learning via Iterated Single-Task Transfer was accepted to IROS 2022!
[2022/07] Physically attended GECCO 2022 in Boston, MA, USA!
[2022/04] Our paper Deep Surrogate Assisted MAP-Elites for Automated Hearthstone Deckbuilding was accepted to GECCO 2022!