Online Guidance Graph Optimization for Lifelong Multi-Agent Path Finding

We study the problem of optimizing a guidance policy capable of dynamically guiding the agents for lifelong Multi-Agent Path Finding based on real-time traffic patterns. Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF) focuses on moving multiple agents from their …

A Quality Diversity Approach to Automatically Generate Multi-Agent Path Finding Benchmark Maps

We use the Quality Diversity (QD) algorithm with Neural Cellular Automata (NCA) to generate benchmark maps for Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF) algorithms. Previously, MAPF algorithms are tested using fixed, human-designed benchmark maps. However, …

A Simple Approach to Continual Learning by Transferring Skill Parameters

In order to be effective general purpose machines in real world environments, robots not only will need to adapt their existing manipulation skills to new circumstances, they will need to acquire entirely new skills on-the-fly. A great promise of …