$^U$ denotes mentored Undergrads.
Hongzhi Zang$^U$, Yulun Zhang, He Jiang, Zhe Chen, Daniel Harabor, Peter J. Stuckey, Jiaoyang Li.
Online Guidance Graph Optimization for Lifelong Multi-Agent Path Finding.
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Feb 27-Mar 04, Philadelphia, PA, USA,
Paul Friedrich, Yulun Zhang, Michael Curry, Ludwig Dierks, Stephen McAleer, Jiaoyang Li, Tuomas Sandholm, Sven Seuken.
Scalable Mechanism Design for Multi-Agent Path Finding.
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), August 03–09, Jeju, Korea,
Bryon Tjanaka, Matthew C. Fontaine, David H. Lee, Yulun Zhang, Nivedit Reddy Balam, Nathaniel Dennler, Sujay S. Garlanka, Nikitas Dimitri Klapsis, Stefanos Nikolaidis.
pyribs: A Bare-Bones Python Library for Quality Diversity Optimization.
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), July 15–19, Lisbon, Portugal,
Matthew Rueben, Mohammad Syed, Emily London, Mark Camarena, Eunsook Shin, Yulun Zhang, Timothy S. Wang, Thomas R. Groechel, Rhianna Lee, Maja J. Matarić.
Long-Term, in-the-Wild Study of Feedback about Speech Intelligibility for K-12 Students Attending Class via a Telepresence Robot.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), October 18–22, Montréal, QC, Canada,