We use the Quality Diversity (QD) algorithm with Neural Cellular Automata (NCA) to generate benchmark maps for Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF) algorithms. Previously, MAPF algorithms are tested using fixed, human-designed benchmark maps. However, such fixed benchmark maps have several problems. First, these maps may not cover all the potential failure scenarios for the algorithms. Second, when comparing different algorithms, fixed benchmark maps may introduce bias leading to unfair comparisons between algorithms. Third, since researchers test new algorithms on a small set of fixed benchmark maps, the design of the algorithms may overfit to the small set of maps. In this work, we take advantage of the QD algorithm to (1) generate maps with patterns to comprehensively understand the performance of MAPF algorithms, (2) be able to make fair comparisons between two MAPF algorithms, providing further information on the selection between two algorithms and on the design of the algorithms. Empirically, we employ this technique to generate diverse benchmark maps to evaluate and compare the behavior of different types of MAPF algorithms, including search-based, priority-based, rule-based, and learning-based algorithms. Through both single-algorithm experiments and comparisons between algorithms, we identify patterns where each algorithm excels and detect disparities in runtime or success rates between different algorithms.